The Democrats assume that constantly casting Trump as Hitler is all that’s needed to win the election. The central argument at their convention, spoken and implied ad nauseam, was: Anyone with a pulse is going to beat Evil Orange Man. So outlining policies and engaging with the press are therefore unnecessary risks to avoid. Don’t spoil the makeover of the empty pantsuit. Defeating the evil dictator is the only thing everyone needs to concentrate on.
But then along comes RFK to upset the Potemkin apple cart. He suspends his campaign, viciously sabotaged by the DNC, and endorses Trump. Treason! Moreover, RFK will likely also appear often on the campaign trail with Trump and/or Vance.
No longer is this now the media-generated world of the deranged lone gunslinger who shoots from the ankle at 3 AM. Now Trump is joined by a noted articulate, informed, and liberal member of the Camelot Kennedy Aristocracy (even if reviled by some family members). One who is well prepared with tons of persuasive facts at his command and passionate about them. And a focused speaker.
RFK complements Trump. He fills in gaps for Trump, not the least of which is moving Trump to firmly embrace RFK’s view of the Deep State war in Ukraine and the need to end it. Trump is now, thanks to RFK, clearly under the spotlight as unequivocally the Peace Candidate. That will be a powerful vote attractor.
I am old enough to remember that the slogan “Peace and Prosperity” got Eisenhower re-elected in a landslide. RFK/Trump/Vance would do well to adopt it.
The crazy whacko Trump image nurtured by the Democrats’ lapdog press is now overshadowed by the dramatic scene of unity on display of the raucously cheering crowd of left and right gathered together in that huge sports arena in Arizona. A real coming together on clearly stated policies rather than the fuzzy contrived “joy” mood music drummed up this week in Chicago.
RFK is not just going to deliver key votes in swing states to Trump; he’s also going to give the kind of principled respectability to Trump’s populist campaign that many wobbly independents may have found uncool until now. That’s where I think RFK is really going to draw significantly more voters to Trump than what the polls might show in the short term. RFK will be a Trump force multiplier.
This bold shift infusing new life into Trump’s campaign comes just before another watershed moment on September 10. In that debate, maybe for the first time, the nation may see just how vapid and flustered the Dems’ latest flash-in-the-pan creation may turn out to be. We’ve all seen the pre-princess version, in her word-salad YouTube videos with the cackles and wino slurred speech. Hard to keep all of that in check while having to talk on her feet.
That debate could turn out to be just as devastating a disaster for her as Biden’s debate with Trump was, or as devastating as the advent of the newly powered-up challenger in RFK.